The Bridal Party

Maid of Honor—Michelle Dooley
Michelle is Kristen's sister. She is a 3rd grade school teacher in at Stony Brook School Branchburg, NJ. She married Joe Dooley in December of 2008. She and Joe live in Bernardsville, NJ. Kristen is so excited to have her sister at her side on her wedding day minus the snow.
Best Man—Loic Beuzit
Loic has been Joss's best friend since meeting at secondary school in 1989. After achieving celebrity hosting shows such as BBC's "Supermarket Sweep" and "Pets Win Prizes", he bowed out of the limelight to become a conference organizer in Sydney, Australia. Kristen and Joss reckon that he's a well good bloke for flying that far to attend the wedding.

Flower Girl—Maia Zee
Maia is the daughter of James Zee and Claire Pierce, friends of Joss and Kristen in Basel. Maia is 3 years old and loves Hello Kitty and Ariel. 


Bethany Gaffney
Bethany is Kristen AND Joss's friend. Bethany and Joss met at Oktoberfest in Munich many years back. They stayed in touch and found themselves both moving to NYC, where Bethany introduced him to all her friends—including Kristen. Thank you, Bethany!!! The Gaff is 80 ounces of awesome in a 40 ounce bottle and will be shuffling in from California to join us on June 17th.

Emily Schmitt
Emily and Kristen have been friends since they were Brownies at Byrd School in Glen Rock, NJ. They attended school together until Kristen moved to Basking Ridge, NJ in high school. Emily currently lives in Washington, DC with her fiancé Brady Dennis. Kristen couldn't imagine Emily not being at her side on her wedding day.

Julia Wang
Julia is also friends with both Kristen AND Joss. She and her husband, Seaver, have always welcomed Joss and Kristen into their home whenever they are visiting the city. Kristen and Joss are so thankful that Julia and Seaver will be joining them on their wedding day.

Mandy Unanski
Mandy and Kristen became friends in 2000 when they were both working at the same advertising agency. They became the unofficial social organizers of the agency and had so much fun together. Even though their social organizer days are over they still love going out and having a great time. Mandy is engaged to Joe Enright.

Tamara Fowls
Tamara has also been friends with Kristen since Brownies. Summers were often spent with Tamara, Emily and Kristen having sleepovers at Tamara's house and having fun in the creek behind her house. The girls loved being silly together. If you meet the girls at the wedding be sure to ask about Banana Supermodels. Tamara lives in El Paso, TX with her fiancé, Sarosh Wahla.


Eric Braunstein
It was thanks to Eric and his infamous Superbowl parties that Kristen and Joss first met at Superbowl XLII. Eric can always be counted on for his sarcastic sense of humour and insatiable appetite for pork products. They are looking forward to chowing down on some BBQ with him in June.
Greg Jones
Greg is Kristen's brother. She is so excited that Greg is part of the bridal party. He lives in downtown Manhattan. He's into cycling and loves curling up with a good finance book and a cup of coffee. He's also a bit of a beer snob so Joss and Kristen are hoping that their local beer selection at the wedding will meet with his approval. :)
Mike Jones
Mike is Kristen's youngest brother. He is a member of the US Naval Academy Track team. When he isn't running or studying (which isn't very often) he's cycling or camping. Mike recently turned 21—Kristen and Joss are VERY excited about this. Cheers, Mike! They are glad that he'll be able to join the rest of the bridal party for all the festivities.
Seaver Wang
Seaver met Kristen (and his wife Julia) while participating in the Quadrille Ball and volunteering with the Soldiers, Sailors, Marines, Air Force and Coast Guard Club in NYC. He met Joss through Bethany and many a Sunday-Funday at the Blind Pig. He is a great friend and KJ and Joss are really glad to know him.
Tim Wormus
Tim and Joss met in Basel back in the early 2000s and formed a friendship that even survived Tim trying to make out that Jerry Bruckheimer's Bad Boys II is not the genre-defining masterpiece that it totally is. Tim lives in Fort Collins, CO with another of the old Basel crew, Agnieszka, and gorgeous baby daughter, Anya. Agnieszka will also be the wedding photographer, which Joss hopes will (temporarily) save him from being a victim of her pranks.
Agnieszka Wormus

A special mention goes out to Agnieszka, an long-time friend from Joss's early Basel days. Not only is she a good friend with a devilish sense of humor, but she is a very talented professional photographer who just recently won the 2011 Wedding Wire Bride’s Choice Award.

Kristen and Joss are thrilled that she will be taking the pictures at their wedding. They are sure you'll be as impressed with her work as they are—do take some time to look at her website and reviews to see the amazing work she does.